Saturday, February 8, 2014

Trees and Tree Services in the Lower Hudson Valley

Quick! A tree has fallen on your home in Monroe, NY, the power is out, and a storm is taking its toll outside, what do you do?

First things first, make sure that you and your family are safe and get away from the damaged part of the home. Unfortunately, it can be tough to tell how structurally sound certain parts of the home are after sustaining such damage.

Once your family is safe, call a tree service. They will be able to handle it for you. I suggest you go here if you're in need of a tree service in Monroe, NY. They're one of the most qualified and definitely possess all of the equipment needed to get ANY job done.

One thing to note, if the tree brought down power lines, then calling the power company should be one of your first calls - the last thing you want is a live wire outside your home! Plus, no one likes being with electricity. ;)

Trees are a wonderful part of the Hudson Valley, but with some of the wind and ice storms we get they can also be a major liability. Make sure that any trees over your home have been taken care of. 

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